Advancing hemp research: Australias pioneering project

Researcher in a cannabis farm

Australia's groundbreaking hemp research initiative

Australia embarks on a significant venture with a $1.6 million research project to identify hemp varieties best suited for its diverse climates. This project, spearheaded by Southern Cross University, aims to revolutionize the hemp industry in Australia.

Objectives and focus of the research

The project's goals include securing a consistent supply of well-characterized hemp varieties, developing innovative processing methods, and ensuring the safe use of hemp in livestock feed. The initiative also emphasizes providing growers with resources to understand the sustainability aspects of industrial hemp.

Collaborative efforts and funding

AgriFutures Australia, known for supporting emerging industries, plays a pivotal role in funding the Australian Industrial Hemp Program of Research (AIHPR). This program involves collaboration with various research organizations and stakeholders, addressing industry growth barriers.

Expanding hemp trials across Australia

Under AgriFutures' guidance, various hemp varieties are being tested across nine trial sites. This strategic approach aligns with the Australian Industrial Hemp Strategic RD&E Plan, involving input from growers, processors, and researchers.

Industrial hemp's potential in Australian agriculture

Olivia Reynolds from AgriFutures Australia highlights hemp's immense potential to boost agricultural productivity. With the industry still in its early stages, strategic planning and implementation are crucial for its growth.

Supporting rural development and climate goals

The research program aims to support rural development and aligns with Australia's commitment to reducing CO2 emissions under the Paris Agreement. Hemp is recognized as a valuable tool in combating climate change.

Participants in the hemp research project

Funding and support for the AIHPR come from a consortium of institutions, including Southern Cross University, various state departments, and private entities, reflecting the collaborative nature of this ambitious project.

  • Goals and focus areas of the hemp research project
  • Key participants and funding sources
  • Hemp trial sites across Australia
  • Role of hemp in boosting agricultural productivity
  • Contribution to rural development and climate change mitigation
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Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen

Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen

About the author:

Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen is known for his extensive knowledge and expertise in the fields of CBD and hemp production. With a career spanning over a decade in the cannabis industry, he has dedicated his life to understanding the intricacies of these plants and their potential benefits to human health and the environment. Over the years, Robin has worked tirelessly to promote the full legalization of hemp in Europe. His fascination with the plant's versatility and potential for sustainable production led him to pursue a career in the field.

More about Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen

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